3PClim - Past, Present and Perspective Climate of Tirol, Südtirol-Alto Adige and Veneto

In the area of North Tyrol - South Tyrol - Veneto the density of weather stations is among the highest in the world. But, in contrast to many neighboring regions, there is no climatological analysis of current measurements. Nor is there a synopsis of the expected climatic changes on a regional basis.


The last climatological description of Tyrol and the surrounding areas dates back to the work of professor Franz Fliri in 1975 ("Das Klima im Alpenraum von Tirol", Universitätsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck). Many climatological conclusions of this standard work are not reportable to the present day because of climate change, but are still widely applied to various problems in different fields.


 precipitation map


Furthermore, the density of weather stations has been considerably increased since 1960 and there are many additional parameters. With the help of remote sensing (satellite, radar, lightning detection) new possibilities for climatological elaboration are available.




The aim of the project is a comprehensive, complete and uniform climatological work, that meets the current demands of the area of North Tyrol - South Tyrol - Veneto. Furthermore, it will summarize the current knowledge about the climatic trends in the coming decades.


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